Unable to leave, separated from normality, longing for some form of interaction, The Beings, with a forced facade of pleasantries etched on their grim faces, invite guests into their absurd world, where logic is governed by instruction and games. Dank affairs in the drawing room, rumpus pleasures in the parlour and peculiar processions await those invited. Gruff invite their guests to bare witness to what happens when society is broken apart and become swept away in the madness that ensues.
“The acting is ballsy, the characters gaudy, their interactions classically timed with pomp and intelligent satire.”
– Adam Bloodworth, Culture or Trash
Created, devised & performed by: Thomas Bostock, Ally Couch Alistair Foylan, Phoebe Naughton & Holly Shuttleworth
Set design & costume Naomi Kuyk Cohen
Stage management Louis Blomfield, Simon Stache, David Loumgair, Joe Mercier, Zoe Williams, Hester Welch & Craig Hamilton
Lighting design Matt Vile